QuickQ Console - Open console to check and clean screen

Step one: Remove the M3x6 black screws from the rear and bottom of the console using

a PZ1 screwdriver, as highlighted in the images below. Note that the QuickQ 30 has more

of these screws to remove, but these are found around the same places as the example.

Step two: Remove all fader caps and encoder knobs. These simply pull off with a little


Step three: Place the console on a flat surface, face up with the front towards you. Slide

the front panel down towards you, by approximately 1 inch. This can be achieved by

gripping the sides and pushing with your thumbs. See the image below for reference.

Step four: Carefully lift the front panel up from the top, leaving the bottom down on the

surface. As you lift the front panel up, look underneath and you will see 2 cables between the top and base of the console. These should not need to be disconnected in order to inspect and clean the screen.

Clean the screen with a blast of canned air.


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