Group Grid fade time short cuts and Secrets


  1. If you don't have a group in the group window for the fixtures you are trying to do this with, then the Group Grid shortcuts will not work. So, create a group with all the fixtures you want to use in a group grid first and then edit the grid under the view grid in the group window to match the actual layout of the fixtures.
  2. You can run Pixel Map  FX on Group grids. Sometimes, that is easier than remembering all these shortcuts.
  3. You can use your plot window to create a grid  - see #1 above.

     Group Grid fade time short cuts - now with added "Secrets"





Fade left to right across Group Grid

Time + *..  and click on Palette

[Example 3*.. +Palette]

Fade right to left across Group Grid

Time + *// and click on Palette

[Example 3*//  +Palette]

Fade out to in on Group Grid

 Time + *++ and click on Palette

[Example 3*++   +Palette]

Fade in to out on Group Grid

 Time + *-- and click on Palette


[Example 3*--  +Palette ]

Fade centre out to in on Group Grid

 Time + *+- and click on Palette


[Example 3*+ -  +Palette ]

Fade centre in to out on Group Grid

 Time + *-+ and click on Palette


[Example 3*- +   +Palette]

Fade top to bottom across Group Grid

 Time + *… and click on Palette


[Example 3*…   +Palette]

Fade bottom to top across Group Grid

 Time + */// and click on Palette


[Example 3*///   +Palette]

Fade top out to in on Group Grid

 Time + *+++ and click on Palette


[Example 3*+++   +Palette]

Fade top in to out on Group Grid

  Time + *--- and click on Palette


[Example 3*---  +Palette ]

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